about the author

Roderick Bethune has dual nationality, having been born in Argentina where his father was an oil company executive; he retains a strong affection for the country and its people. After national service as a Pilot Officer in the RAF, he returned to Argentina to sort out personal affairs and was conscripted as a private soldier in the army. This book draws on those experiences, following which he returned to the UK and spent several years in the packaging industry.

about the book

Argentina 1964: the Perons have all been ousted by the army which is trying to govern in the face of a rising tide of hostility leading to strikes and civil disobedience. The army reacts in the only way it knows with kidnappings, secret imprisonment and murder of its enemies. (The ‘Desaparecidos’) Conscripted into National Service, Juan Garcia steps into this unknown world. His mother cautions him not to get involved but he enjoys the army and is soon involved with the Gestapo-like tactics of the Pumas. His development and final extrication from this secret world form the basis of this exciting book.



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